Case study. Layout designer: creating your own renderer for a Grid cell
Creating your own renderer is quite easy. There are two ways:
- a cell renderer based on the dictionary key (displaying the value) - for DVelum 0/8/9 and higher;
- your own renderer.
To add your own renderer to the Layout Designer, it is necessary and sufficient to declare its class.
Create a folder for the project renderers:
Create the following file: www/system/library/Ext/Component/Renderer/Myproject/Status.php
(for example use the task dictionary, which describes the statuses of the background task)
class Ext_Component_Renderer_Myproject_Status extends Ext_Component_Abstract_Renderer_Dictionary
* Dictionary name
protected $_name = 'task';
The renderer for a dictionary value is ready.
Create your own renderer:
class Ext_Component_Renderer_Myproject_Custom extends Ext_Component_Renderer{
public function __toString()
return 'function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store){return "Custom renderer " + value;}';
Also, you can return the function name:
class Ext_Component_Renderer_Myproject_Custom extends Ext_Component_Renderer{
public function __toString()
return 'app.creatorRenderer';