DVelum platform development started in 2009 with creating standalone features. In 2011 there came an idea to integrate everything into a single platform. The web-development field lacked such solutions, which would feature all the functionality necessary both for developers and users within an interactive interface. This fact compelled us to create DVelum professional development platform. Meet our Team:
Kirill Yegorov
Started his career in the web-development field in 2006, having made his way from the junior developer to the senior architect engineer. Zend Certified Engineer PHP 5.3, the founder and ideologue of the project Responsible for: project concept, engineering, PHP/JavaScript programming, writing documentation and articles, administrative and supply management, general business and project management
Sergey Leschenko
Joined project in 2015
PHP / JavaScript programming, testing
Other staff members of the project at various times
Nicolas Berezin
Zend Certified Engineer PHP 5.3
Took part in the project development through the year of 2012: creating design and corporate identity; PHP / JavaScript programming, testing, bug fixing, HTML coding; developing the concept of the project website.
Ekaterina Belova
Joined project in 2012
Translator, Project Manager of the English department (2012-2014)
Specializes in Linguistics, involved in Internet technologies since 2007, more than 3 years of PM experience.
Natalia Korotkova
Joined project in 2012
Project Manager of the Russian subdivision
Writing documentation for the project, submitting materials to be published, QA, project website management
Andrew Zamotaev
Joined project in 2011
PHP / JavaScript programming, testing
Writing documentation for the project, resource administration