Pages section

Viewing pages list

The list of pages is shown in the Pages menu. The menu items include:

  • website tree-like structure;
  • pages list;
  • ‘Add page’ button - serves to add a new page;
  • ‘Add subpage’ button - serves to add a subpage;
  • ‘Default block map’ button - shows a default map of blocks in the page’s theme layout and allows to edit it;
  • search field - serves to search for a page by text or source code it contains.

The tree-like structure of the website is formed by already created pages and lists their title and page code. You can change the order or structural level of the elements by dragging and dropping them with the help of left mouse button.

Grey icons inside the elements tree stand for not published pages, while the colored ones denote published pages.

The right-hand part of the Pages menu represents a table with a list of already created pages and their attributes:

  • ‘Edit Record’ button (you can also open a page for editing by double clicking a table record or a tree element);
  • ‘Status’ field showing whether the page has been published or not (the green icon signifies  that the page has been published);
  • ‘Versions (Published/Last)’ field - contains the number of the page version, which was published last and the number of the current version (the field is highlighted in red if the numbers of the published and last versions do not coincide);
  • ‘Page Code’ field - lists the page code;
  • ‘Title’ field - shows the name of the page;
  • ‘Updated by’ field - contains the profile name of the system user, who has updated the current page version.

Creating a page

You can create a page with the help of ‘Add page’ and ‘Add subpage’ buttons. Using the ‘Add page’ button will place the new page to the root of the list. Drag and drop the item afterwards if you need to change its position in the tree.

‘Add subpage’ button helps to create a child page for a selected element from the tree.

The form for adding a new page is shown below:

The form contains:

  • ‘Preview’ button - allows to view the current version of the page;
  • ‘Delete Item’ button - allows to remove an already created page;
  • ‘General’ tab - allows to define the parameters of a page;
  • ‘Text’ tab  - allows to fill in the page contents;
  • ‘Blocks Mapping’ tab - allows to link blocks to the page;
  • ‘Versions’ field - contains a table listing all page versions, date created and author information;
  • ‘History’ field - displays a table listing all actions performed on the page mentioning the relevant date and author details;
  • ‘Save new version’ button - is used to save the changes within a new version of the page.

‘General’ tab

‘General’ tab contains the following fields:

  • Page code – an input field for entering the unique page code containing Latin letters and an underscore;
  • Menu Title – an input field for entering the page’s title to be displayed in the site map;
  • Page Title – an input field for entering the page’s title to show up on the page itself;
  • Html Title – an input field for entering the page’s title to be displayed in the browser title bar;
  • Show blocks – a checkbox allowing to show or hide blocks on the page;
  • In Site map – a checkbox allowing to include the page into the site map;
  • Theme – a drop-down list of various page themes;
  • Meta keywords – an input field for entering keywords helping search engines to find the page;
  • Meta description – an input field for entering page description helping search engines to find the page;
  • Attached functionality – a drop-down list of dynamic modules to be attached to the page (e.g. ‘News’).

Once a page has been created and the first version saved, there are added the following fields:

  • ‘Version’ field – contains the current page version number;
  • ‘Publish’ button – allows to publish the selected page version;
  • ‘Unpublish’ button – cancels publication of the selected page version.

The ‘Versions’ section listing created page versions also allows to open a version for editing by double clicking the record line.

Once the main characteristics of the page have been specified, proceed to filling in its contents.


‘Text’ tab

The ‘Text’ tab has the following fields:

  • a button allowing to add images from Media Library;
  • a button allowing to add a link to a Media Library item;
  • WYSIWYG text editor.

To add an image from the Media Library into the text, click the ‘Insert an image from Media Library’ button and choose an item from the list in the opened popup window:

The popup lists Media Library images with some short information on each of them. The form also has a search field to search images by name. To select an image, choose the necessary item from the list and click the ‘Select’ button. There will appear another form allowing you to adjust the image size before inserting it into the page text:

Once the image size has been chosen, click the ‘Select’ button to see the image in the text:

A link to a Media Library item may be inserted into the page text by clicking the ‘Insert a resource link’ button. The popup contains the list of Media Library items with short information on each of them. The form has a search by name field and a Media type dropdown filter:

  • All;
  • File;
  • Image;
  • Audio;
  • Video.
Choose the necessary element from the list and click the ‘Select’ button. After that the page text will show a link to the selected item and its name:

‘Block mapping’ tab

The ‘Block mapping’ tab shows the way the page blocks are organized depending on the theme selected in the ‘General’ tab:

The tab contains the elements of the page layout and lists available blocks. To fill this or that layout element, drag and drop the selected block to the spot: