Media library section

The Media Library module is a centralized file storage. Once the Administrator has uploaded files to Media Library, various system modules get access to these files. For instance, a text editor can insert images or links to files from Media Library.

It is necessary to remember that Media Library doesn't not grant access to files, neither does it regulate this process. Having been uploaded, files are available by direct links. Besides, there is a list of permitted formats, which is limited and, therefore, recommended to be aware of under the 'Permitted formats' link in the File Uploader window.

There are two types of file uploaders in Media Library:

  • the Simple Uploader, which works in all platforms and browsers;
  • the Extended Uploader, which is based on cutting-edge technologies and allows to upload several files at a time displaying the file's thumbnail before the upload as well as the uploading process itself.

When uploading images to Media Library, the system cuts their thumbnails of different sizes. The number of thumbnails and their sizes are set by the developer/ administrator of the system in the production mode.

If needed, thumbnails may be cut again on one's own (see below for details).

The names of thumbnails differ from those of the original files by a postfix. For instance, if you upload the file picture.jpg, there will be created the following thumbnails: picture-thumbnail.jpg, picture-medium.jpg etc.

Read more about Media Library below

Media Library section, as shown below, has the following elements and fields:


  • the list of uploaded media files
  • ‘Add files’ button - serves to add items to the Media Library;
  • File search field – helps to search through media files by name;
  • Media Type filter – helps to filter files by type (All, File, Image, Audio, Video);
  • a field showing short information on the media file (icon, name, size (Mb), profile name of the user, who has uploaded the file, alternate text, caption, description).

The list of uploaded media files is arranged into pages and has the following attributes:

  • ‘Edit record’ button (you can also open a file for editing by double clicking the record in the list);
  • file icon;
  • file details (name, type, size (Mb), profile name of the user, who has uploaded the file, caption);
  • date and time the file was uploaded;
  • ‘Delete’ button

Adding a file

A new file is added to the Media Library by clicking ‘Add files’ button, which opens an upload form.

The upload form has three tabs:

  • Simple upload – allows to upload files one by one;
  • Multiple file upload – allows to add several files simultaneously;
  • Accepted formats – contains the list of file formats (file extensions) available for upload.

Simple upload tab

Simple upload tab contains the following fields:

  • a select field for choosing a file for upload;
  • ‘Upload’ button;
  • fields displaying uploaded file details

To add a file, click the ‘Select a file’ icon and choose a file in the dialogue box, then click the ‘Upload’ button. After that, the information on the file uploaded will show at the bottom of the form.

The information includes the file’s thumbnail, type, name and size. The ‘Edit details’ button is situated next to the uploaded file.

Clicking the button opens a form for viewing and editing file details:

The form allows to enter some information on the uploaded file:

  • Title – the name of the file;
  • Alternate text – the alternate text definition;
  • Caption – a brief explanation, or comment accompanying the file;
  • Description – file description.

After filling in the form, save file details clicking the ‘Save’ button.

While uploading an image to the Media Library you will also see the ‘Crop’ button appear in the ‘Edit file’ form. Clicking the button will open the ‘Crop image’ form (learn more about modifying images in ‘Image cropping’ section).

Multiple file upload tab

DVelum HTML5 multifile uploader

To add several files to Media Library simultaneously, click ‘Select files’ button to choose several files in the dialogue box and click Open. The selected files will show listed in the form and may be removed with the help of ‘Clear’ button. To upload the selected files to the Media Library, click Upload.


Accepted formats tab

The tab defines the maximum upload file size and accepted file formats for each type of files.

Cropping images

To modify an image, open ‘Edit record’ form and click Crop:

You will see ‘Crop image’ form:

The form will show a full size image. On your right you will see a dropdown list offering various image sizes with an immediate preview of the just resized image below.

To crop an image, choose the necessary size from the dropdown list:

  • Icon (50x50);
  • Mini (72x72);
  • Small (82x50);
  • Thumbnail (134x81);
  • Medium (218x134);

The system also offers the image size ‘large’ (640x480), however, it is not available for automatic cropping. The list of sizes depends on the system settings and is modified in the Media library Config section, and thus, may differ from the above mentioned one.

To proceed with cropping, left click the mouse and drag over the image holding the left mouse button down till you select the image area you would like to keep. Click Crop.

The cropping area is determined in proportion to the selected image size. To save the image after the cropping area has been selected, click Crop. Thumbnail views of the original and cropped images will show as Old and New Images respectively