class Frontend_Controller_Authorised

An abstract controller class, which is used for controlling authorized users’ access to the website frontend module (available in version 0.9.2 and higher).

If you’d like to close a part of the frontend by using a user authorization form, inherit your controller from this class.

You won’t need additional settings - the controller will define an authorized user on its own and will display an authorization form if needed.

abstract class Frontend_Controller_Authorised extends Frontend_Controller
 * A link to Config object of the frontend application
 * @var Config_Abstract
protected $_configFrontend;

 * A link to User object (current user)
 * @var User
protected $_user;

 * Check user authorization, a system method
public function checkAuth()

 * Send JSON error message
 * or redirect to index if this is not an AJAX request
protected function _errorResponse($msg)

 * Show authorization form, close application
protected function loginAction()

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