Release candidate 0.8.7 RC2

September 26, 2012


- the admin panel menu sorted;

- improved: Db_Object, Db_Object_Config, Db_Object_Store, Model classes (cohesion reduced, responsibility segregated);

- added: about 40 unit tests;

- improved: Block_Manager. The lack of assigned blocks does not invoke a database query when cache is enabled;

- the number of classes using Singletone pattern reduced;

- Model class moved to library and operates independently from the application;

- database reconnection made possible for a selected model; the ORM data is now stored on several DB servers;

- added: Backend Ajax request error processing (the user is now notified about an expired session or a connection problem);

- added: Store data request error processing with relevant error notifications displayed;

- Menu items Editor: ‘Save’ button renamed to ‘Apply’ (to avoid misleading the user);

- added to ORM management interface: system objects’ indication;

- added to IDE: - ‘Back to the Admin Interface’ button;

- fixed: errors in lang files;

- removed from IDE: extra script connection;

- removed from Block management interface: extra backend request (could have caused JS errors);

- improved: static pages performance;

- #204 fixed in Group management interface: failure to remove a group;

- added to User management interface: confirmation request when deleting a User.

- improved in ORM: now object description can not be deleted if the object is referred to;

- removed in IDE: an opportunity to create child elements for not nested items;

- improved: demo-distributive;

- improved: Db_Object_Manager;

- improved: Db_Object_Expert;

-  improved: front end routing; switching to path based routing now is smooth and painless (in config/main.php);

- added in ORM: external links checking before deleting an object;

- fixed in ORM: external links pointing to an former object name when being renamed;

- improved: the interactive uml diagram;

- added in IDE: enable/ disable AutoRefresh feature;

- ‘Link title’ field hidden when creating an object;

- removed: an opportunity to assign a validator for boolean fields;

- the type of ‘API keys’ field changed to ‘password’ when creating a server in the Deploy module;

- added in IDE: button handler scope;

- added in IDE: minor changes;

- added: Ext_Component_Abstract_Renderer_Dictionary abstract class simplifying the process of renderer creation for columns based on the dictionary data;

- fixed in IDE: error saving component boolean value;

- #177 fixed: failure to modify Modules Configuration when updating data with cache enabled;

- #210 fixed: error filtering by field in the ‘Field’ tab of ORM object Edit window;

- #169 fixed in IDE: code editor window highlighted from beneath;

- #208 fixed in IDE: event editor removed for table columns;

- #209 fixed in IDE: a message upon opening the interface for the first time;

- fixed in iDE: error assigning events in grid column editor;

- improved: code package validation;

- added: ‘Hello World’ performance test;

- improved: Backend_Controller_Crud_Vc class;

- improved: Reports.

Download DVelum 0.8.7 RC2
