Another Beta release 0.8.5
August 27, 2012
We are happy to announce DVelum final Beta release 0.8.5. The release features lots of improvements and unparalleled performance results, now observed during the ‘Main Page’ testing.
The English version of the website is now available online:
Change Log:
- work with MySQL server improved, lazy database connection added; connection is established at the first request, errorHandler added, classes used for MySQL operations are not downloaded when working with cache if not needed.
- Core code package lightened;
- Db_Object_Config improved, which has slightly increased the performance;
- Test Blog sample source code improved;
- trigger mechanism redeveloped;
- menus may be added in any system operation mode;
- lang-file errors fixed;
- fixed: app.contentWindow и app.contentWindow components display issue. The application windows do not move out of the visible area when the size of the browser window is changed.
- autoScroll added to the main menu;
- application installer fixed, php_curl module is no more required;
- Deploy module improved for better compatibility with Windows;
- StoreFilter (IDE) component improved with a filter by dictionary;
- Dictionary display component (IDE) improved with a showAll feature allowing to choose ‘All’ from the list;
- Lang class improved, singletone pattern removed, work with several dictionaries at once enabled;
- Model class improved, singletone pattern removed. Now, models are instantiated only through the Model::factory method;
- ORM interface controller improved, Manager added, as well as a notification about the reason why an object cannot be removed;
- fixed: occasional failure to remove an ORM object;
- fixed: storeFIlter component operating not correctly when adding a dictionary;
- iframe now may be added in the visual text editor;
- APC cache backend added (despite this, it is highly recommended to use memcached for the efficiency reasons);
- fixed: dictionary list cache not cleared when adding a new dictionary;
- ‘News’ demo-module code redeveloped;
- ‘Maintenance in progress’ notification added. The public section of the website may be disabled if needed by defining the value: maintenance=>true in the main configuration file config/main.php;
- Russian localization of the interfaces improved;
Significantly improved performance when working with static pages and block maps. The increase is especially noticeable when testing the Main Page under load.
Download DVelum 0.8.5b