Configuration file description

Basic setup


$language'eng' - the current system language (alpha version is not fully localized);

'version' - system version;

'development' - signalizes that the system is running in the development mode;

'development_version' - version of the system being developed (this is actually your project version), is used in SQL logs;

'use_orm_build_log' - the attribute allowing to use database update log while working with ORM; Write SQL commands when updating Database structure. It can help to determine if there have been performed any rename operations. Please note that renaming operations in ORM interface cause causes loss of during server synchronization, so it's better to use SQL log.

It is necessary to remember that renaming fields may lead to losing data on the other server. When synchronizing an object, the structure is reconfigured by creating a new column. Avoid renaming object fields or using the updates log while synchronizing the object config (to keep the data in the renamed fields).

'orm_log_path' - a path to ORM log files;

'task_log_path' - a path to the log files of background tasks;

'orm_links_object' - the object name keeping the information on links to all system objects (should not be changed);

'uploads' - the path for saving uploaded files;

'adminPath'- access URL to the administration panel;

For safety reasons adminPath may be changed, however, keep in mind that IDE builds full paths in the current version, thus, they would have to be manually updated in the projects.

'templates' - the path to templates;

'urlDelimetr' - URL separator;

'urlExtension' - the extension added to page addresses;

'sault' salt to be used by password generation method (should be changed to your own);

'timezone' - time zone;

'jsCacheUrl' - JavaScript cache files URL;

'jsCachePath' - the path to JavaScript cache files;

'jsCacheSysUrl' - JavaScript system cache URL;

'jsCacheSysPath' - the path to JavaScript system cache;

'vc_clear_on_delete' - clear the object version history when deleting an object. The recommended setting is “false”. Thus, even though the object has been deleted, it can be restored from a the previous control system revision. If set to "true", the object and its history will be totally removed. However, this allows you to get rid of redundant records in the database.

'configs' - the path to main directory for config files;

'object_configs' - the path to ORM object properties;

'report_configs' - the path to the report projects settings;

'backend_modules' - admin panel modules configuration file;

'backend_controllers' - the path to the root directory of the admin panel controllers;

'frontend_modules' - client modules configuration file;

'frontend_router_type' the type of frontend router with two possible values:

  • 'module' — using tree-like page structure (‘Pages’ section of the administrative panel);
  • 'path' — the router based on the file structure of client controllers.

'dictionary' - path to dictionary (lists) directory;

'backups' - backup files directory;

'tmp' - temporary files directory;

'mysqlExecPath' - mysql executable file (used for start up from the terminal);

'mysqldumpExecutable' - mysqldump executable file (used for start up from the terminal);

'use_cache' - enable caching in memcached

'frontend_hardcache' - hardcache time for cache data, which can’t become invalid be creating an event; is usually applied to to user data and is measured in seconds;

'themes'- the path to the template themes of the user interface;

'usersOnline' - the attribute allowing to track the number of online users;

'autoloader' - class autoloader settings;

'paths' - autoload paths;

'usePackages' - use precompiled packages requires useMap property to be set to true;

'map' - the path to the map of classes;

'packagesConfig' - package builder configuration file;

'maintenance' - stop the public site with message "Essential maintenance in progress. Please check back later.";

'debug_panel' - show debug panel (development mode);

'html_editor' - HTML WYSIWYG editor. Default - tinymce. Test mode for ckeditor (not fully compatible);

'deploy_use_console' - use the console command to compile the file system map (accelerates the compilation process, works only on Linux systems, execution of the system function should be allowed);

'blockmanager_use_hardcache_time' - use hard cache expiration time defined in frontend_hardcache for caching blocks, allows to reduce the cache time of dynamic blocks; is used if there are not enough triggers for cache invalidation.

'foreign_keys' - use external keys, test option available starting from version 0.9

'allow_externals' - use external modules, test option available starting from version 0.9

'wwwroot' => '/' - platform directory with reference to the document root; test option available starting from version 0.9; not recommended to make changes as the option is not yet fully implemented.

'db_object_error_log' - logging errors related to Db_Object

'db_object_error_log_path' - the path to the log file containing Db_Object errors

'external_modules' - path to the folder with external modules

'db_object_error_log' - logging errors coming up when working with Db_Object (true / false) (available starting from version 0.9)

'db_object_error_log_path' - the path to the Db_Object log file

'orm_innodb_real_rows_count'  true/false - getting the real number of records (COUNT(*)) in the object table (ORM management interface). The option has been added not to mislead the newbies (show table status shows the approximate number of records for the tables of the InnoDB type). It is strongly recommended to switch to false when working with large amounts of data.

'template_check_mtime' -  true/false check modification time for template file, invalidate cache. (0.9.3)

'orm_version_object' - ORM system object used as version storage (0.9.3)