class Config_Abstract
The Config_Abstract abstract class, which is used for implementing configuration adapters.
abstract class Config_Abstract implements ArrayAccess , Iterator
/*** Constructor* @param string $name - configuration identifier*/public function __construct($name)
/*** Convert into an array* @return array*/public function __toArray()
/*** Get the number of elements* @return integer*/public function getCount()
/*** Get the configuration parameter* @param string $key — parameter name* @throws Exception* @return mixed*/public function get($key)
/*** Set the property value* @param string $key - key* @param mixed $value - value*/public function set($key , $value)
/*** Set property values using an array* @param array $data*/public function setData(array $data)
/*** Remove a parameter* @param string $key* @return true*/public function remove($key)
/*** Get data handle* Hack method. Do not use it without understanding.* Get a direct link to the stored data array* Hack method. Do not use it without understanding.* @return array*/public function & dataLink()
/*** Remove all parameters*/public function removeAll()
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