class Bgtask_Abstract
Class Bgtask_Abstract - an abstract class for implementing background tasks.
abstract class Bgtask_Abstract
/** Signals*/const SIGNAL_SLEEP = 1;
const SIGNAL_STOP = 3;
/** Statuses*/const STATUS_UNDEFINED = 0;
const STATUS_RUN = 1;
const STATUS_SLEEP = 2;
const STATUS_STOPED = 3;
const STATUS_ERROR = 5;
/*** Builder, receives task settings * @param array $config */public function __construct(array $config)
/** * Get task description, an abstract * method, the logic is to be implemented in the relevant task class,* returns a description string, like: «Statistics revision» * @return string */abstract public function getDescription();
/** * Kill the process */public function terminate()
/** * Finish the task, task statistics getting updated,* setting the «Finish» status */public function finish()
/** * Stop running a task due to an error * @param string $message - optional */public function error($message = '')
/** * Record the message to the task log * @param string $message */public function log($message)
/** * Stop running a task */public function stop()
/** * Update the task statistics* to send the information on the task progress * @return void */public function updateState()
/** * Process received signals,* starts processing signals and arranges for their receival */public function processSignals()
/*** Run a task, an abstract method* for describing the task itself*/abstract public function run();
/** * Set up an adapter for logger interface * @param Bgtask_Log $logger * @return void */public function setLogger(Bgtask_Log $logger)
/** *Set the number of expected operations (overall counter) * @param integer $count */public function setTotalCount($count)
/** * Set the number of finished operations * @param integer $count */public function setCompletedCount($count)
/** * Increase the number of finished operations * @param integer $count — optional, default = 1 */public function incrementCompleted($count = 1)
A example of a simplest task:
A cycle of 1000 iterations, every of which lasts for one second
class Task_Test extends Bgtask_Abstract
* (non-PHPdoc)
* @see Bgtask_Abstract::getDescription()
public function getDescription()
return 'Test task 1000 slow operations';
* (non-PHPdoc)
* @see Bgtask_Abstract::run()
public function run()
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